Repairs & Maintenance
JP Flynn has a dedicated Division responsible for refurbishments and remedial repairs across a number of sectors that we operate in.
Having a strong track record of delivering sustainable solutions across a varied range of buildings our focus is on;
- Dependable and consistent quote and project delivery turnaround times
- Competitive pricing that is supported by a sophisticated trade and specialist contractor network
- Delivery of quality services and specialist products aligned to client requirements
- Providing a solutions-based approach using a range of building techniques that result in long-term positive outcomes
Aged Care Sector
JP Flynn recognises with an ageing population, providing a suitable range of housing options is vital for all concerned.
We are widely experienced in the successful transformation of older buildings and facilities into modern and contemporary upgrades.
Our skilled team has successfully completed a diverse range of projects and developments in the aged care sector including ;
- Independent Living Units
- High Care/ Supported Units
- Residential Aged Care Facilities (Including common areas)
- Medical Centres